Understanding & Differences Between HTTP and HTTPS in Blogger

Understanding and Difference HTTP and HTTPS in Blogger - HTTP and HTTPS protocol is a language code that exists in every link of a website or blog. What is the difference?

Understanding & Differences HTTP and HTTPS in Blogger

WHEN we edit the blog template, now no records or notifications from Blogger: Editing your template so it mixes HTTP and HTTPS may Affect the security and user experience of your blog when it is Viewed over HTTPS .What is the meaning and intent? The translation does ....  Edit templates that can mix HTTP and HTTPS can affect the security and the user experience when viewed through HTTPS. What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Blogger provides explanations through three Blogger Help link below:

Understanding & Differences Between HTTP and HTTPS in Blogger

Since April 2016 blogspot automatically use an encrypted https connection. According to experience,   this time blogspot with https can not be indexed quickly. Their warning on the dashboard blogger, can be understood that the https "rudimentary" on blogspot.

What is  HTTPS ??

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is more secure than HTTP. HTTPS protects users' personal information (user).

Both of these codes exist in the address bar , in front of the domain name. For example: https://www.blogger.com or http://shouterways.blogspot.com.

According pages Blogger Help , the data sent through a secured HTTPS protocol using Transport Layer Security ( TLS ), which provides three key layers of protection:
Encryption  - encrypts data exchange to keep it secure from eavesdroppers.That is, when a user is browsing a website, no one can "eavesdrop" conversations, track activity across multiple pages, or steal their information.
Data integrity  - data can not be altered or tampered with during the transfer, intentionally or not, without being detected.
Authentication  - proving that your users can communicate with the desired website and can provide other benefits to your business.

Benefits Of HTTPS

There are three main benefits of using HTTPS instead of HTTP to access your blog:
Help check that your visitors open the correct site and not redirected to malicious sites. 
Help detect if there is an attacker is trying to change the data sent by Blogger to visitors. 
Adding security measures that make it more difficult for others to listen to the conversations of your visitors, track activity, or steal their information. 

How To Enable HTTPS redirection for Blogger

If you want visitors to access the blog via HTTPS, you can enable HTTPS redirection.
If we turn on HTTPS redirection, then the visitors always reach an encrypted version of our blog, for example: https: // shouterways.blogspot.com. To enable HTTPS redirection:

  1. Log in to Blogger . 
  2. Select the blog to be updated. 
  3. On the left menu, click Settings> Basic> HTTPS . 
  4. In the "Redirect HTTPS", select Yes . 
  5. If you turn off HTTPS redirection, visitors have the option to view the blog: 
  6. http: // .blogspot.com 
  7. https: // .blogspot.com 

Similarly, just a basic introduction to understand the meaning and difference HTTP and HTTPS in Blogger. Learn more in the Blogger Help three links that have been mentioned above. Good Luck and Happy Blogging!

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