Advantages and Disadvantages of Format FAT32 , NTFS , and exFAT , Which is Better ?

Advantages and Disadvantages Format FAT32 , NTFS , and exFAT Tips computers this time about knowing the format of the hard drive partition, flash, SD Card atuapun ranging from formati FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT, and which one is best for your purposes or laptop computer? As users of the Windows operating system usually 3 format is often used, or at least we often encounter on a computer or laptop hard drive formatting others.

Advantages and Disadvantages Format FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT, Which is Better?
Many are still confused to choose and implement the types of formats available. Therefore, in this article will explain the differences between the three types of the popular formats used.

Advantages and Disadvantages Format FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT, Which is Better?

Here are the advantages and benefits of each format, both for format FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT.

1. FAT32

FAT32 format was first introduced to the public in 1995. This format is the format the partition longest, came as complement the FAT16 format. With the ability that has been proven time and again, then it's no wonder this partition format has been supported by many types of devices that exist today.

Excess FAT32 formats: Format the partition is supported by nearly all operating systems, from Windows, Linux and Mac are also included. This format has become the standard format for the partition flash and SD Card. Given his age, long, no wonder the partition format is supported by many types of devices.

FAT32 format Disadvantages: Lack of partition format lies in its ability to store files. Format FAT32 can only store a single file up to 4GB, and is limited to partition up to 8TB. Additionally, this format also allegedly susceptible to virus attacks, because it is not available features of the file permissions.


Format the partition is born along with Windows XP. This format by Windows, created to enhance the existing shortcomings in FAT32 format. It is also done to create new packaging, given the aging FAT32 format, used as a partition for Disk format.

Excess NTFS format: As a complement previous format, clear format NTFS partition is equipped with a partition size limit is large enough. Also additional features that are quite useful that the file permissions as security Disk partition, there are functions recovery, disk quota limits, and many other interesting features.

NTFS format Disadvantages: Disadvantages of this format only on the operating system alone. Not all operating systems support this format. Even leading some sort of Mac operating system is also not support this format. Although the format is readable, well it Disk, flash, and SD Card, but can not be used. Not only that, the non-computer devices such as TV, MP3 player, camera and others as well, most do not support the NTFS partition format.

3. exFAT

Fotmat this being the most recent format than previous partition 2 format. ExFAT partition format was first introduced to the public in 2006, came as the other side of FAT32. Format the partition is quite simple, but have the capacity as owned by NTFS. Format exFAT partitions are well suited for flash format.

Excess exFAT format: Although relatively new, but this format can be used on MAC and Linux operating systems in full. Besides, this partition format is recommended to format the partition on portable devices.

ExFAT format Disadvantages: As usual, it is still relatively new, there must be some devices that do not support full use of this format. Perhaps with concomitant developments, one day format this partition will mandapat support of various devices. So, just wait!

Similarly, the advantages and disadvantages of information between partition format FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT. Hope can be a consideration for you in choosing the partition format hard drive, flash, and SD Card on a computer or laptop and a camera or mobile phone / smartphone you.

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