Visitor and Unique Visitor Differences - Google Analytics is a Tools commonly used by the blogger and publisher of a website. This is because Google Analytics tools have a very useful utility. Before we learn about the visitors and unique visitors, let us learn in advance the sense notion is concerned which is used in Google Analytics.
As the name suggests Page Views is the number of pages visited, pages Example have Page Views 1500 per day. This means that the page visited 1500 times in the day. Page Views are commonly used as a marker of severity of a Website, whereas Page Views is not the core of the greatness of a website.
In the Indian Visitor means visitors, so visitors shows the number of visitors who come Such Page. Page Views by the Visitor difference is if Page Views are people who only see (Views) and the Visitor is a person who browse on your own page, like reading articles etc.
Before discussing the differences we discuss in advance your understanding. Unique Visitor means an unusual visitor is in your blog (New Visitor or people who visit your blog periods). In addition, Unique Visitor is very important in a website. Most ads will be counted valid if the visitor clicks is Unique Visitor
Page Views
Unique Visitor
Visitor and Unique Visitor Differences
- Visitor = Number of Visitors to the browsing on your Page.
- Unique Visitor = new visitor or unusual on your page.