How To Upload CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

Today I will tell you to host your JavaScript and CSS files into Google Drive . Every Person Has A problem for hosting css, JavaScript and other important script or codes externally for their blog. when we host our cords externally, We reduce our template size And reduce site loading speed.
 And no issue to find any Code. if we using all the script within your template then its become complicated to understand and searching anything in coding. big Problem is Site loading time. its effect our traffic when people open your site and your site is loading slow , readers can't wait they click back. So its Effect Our Seo
If you have a limited storage in your server or have a limited bandwidth, you can use your free Google drive account to take its unlimited bandwidth advantage. Hosting external scripts or CSS files in Google drive are not difficult,  Once you get the direct link, you can easily add these external files into your blog's HTML source.

Create Your Hosting Files 

first you Need to create CSS Or Javascript Files of your Cords.
For create Css Files then Paste Your Cords In Notepad Plus. and save it with .CSS extension
For Example - shouterways.css
In Same For Create Javascript Files Paste Your Cords In Notepad Plus. and save it with ..js extension
Example -      Shouterways.js
How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

Upload Files on Google Drive

1. Login to your Google Drive account. Via Your Gmail Account,

2. Now Click on 'New Folder'  type your folder name And Click on 'Create.

3. After Open This Folder.  Again, click on 'New' and then 'File upload'.

How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

4. Now select your file from your PC. 

5. Once the file uploaded, right click on the file and choose 'share'.

6. Under the 'Link sharing on' click 'More' and select 'On   Public on the web', and click on 'Save'.
How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

7. Now copy the link . Paste it into your notepad.

How To Host CSS And JavaScript Files in Google Drive

8. Make sure we will use only the highlighted part of the copied code as mention in the following preview.

9. The direct link for the script file for this example will be,

10. You can visit above link to view the script on the web.

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