How To Create And Submit Sitemap to Blogger

create sitemap for blogger blog

How To create sitemap for blogger blog

Sitemap is a list of pages of a Blog or Website which enables the Search Engine Crawlers to crawl the blog/website pages. Actually there are two types of Sitemap. let’s see how to create sitemap for Blogger blog and submitting it 

Now lets start this tutorial.

Blogger Sitemap Creating So Easy.
Add this Code After Your Blogger Address Like This-
After Created Sitemap Now You need To Provide  your sitemap To Search Engine..

Adding your Blogger sitemap in robots.txt file

Login to your Blogger
and go to dashboard >> settings >> search preferences
and edit the custom robots.txt. Enable and paste the following text and click save changes.
Note - Replace Your Blog Address With Blue Url In Sitemap

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
 Adding Sitemap to Blog which certainly enable the Search Engine Crawlers to crawl  your Blog Contents as a result you may get high rank and traffic .

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